Whats A Piroshky? 11 Fun Facts about our namesake.

Have you ever wondered to yourself, “What’s a piroshky”? Well, wonder no more! Learn more about what makes the piroshky a time-honored unique, versatile, and amazing menu item loved worldwide. Once you “know your dough” you can put the PRO in piroshky. 🙂

8 Great Reasons to Love Piroshky Piroshky

If you have ever visited our bakery, it is likely that you are already a fan! However, if you are new to us, you might need a little more convincing. We understand 🙂 Here, we have compiled 8 reasons to enjoy Piroshky Piroshky anytime whenever you are craving our famous handmade pies. It’s our 30th year in business, we’re celebrating and giving you new reasons to love us all year long.
Still can’t decide? With so many amazing choices, we are always happy to offer suggestions and guide you in your selection, stop by today or reach out and let us help you.